
Woodhall Spa Golf Club

Golf Schools

Your journey to great golf starts here

England Player Experience 

Become an England Player for the day and experience the world class coaching facilities where the very best amateur golfers in England train, with the expert tutelage of our resident Professional Team before putting your skills to test on the world famous Hotchkin Course.

£219.00 PER PERSON

9.30am Arrival
10.00am  Short game tuition
11.30am Putting tuition
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm 18 holes - Hotchkin
6.30pm  Depart 


2025 Dates TBC

To book or to receive further information, please contact:

Lee | email: | mobile: 07398270797

2 Day School

The 2 Day School is specifically aimed at golfers who are looking to improve their game in all departments. Our resident PGA Coach will guide you through the varying skills within the game before accompanying you for 4 holes on the golf course during day 1, before you undertake the challenge of the world-renowned Hotchkin course on day 2.

£295.00 PER PERSON

Typical Itinerary - Day 1
9.30am Arrival
10.00am Chipping & Pitching
11.00am Irons & Hybrids
12.00pm Lunch
1.00pm 18 Holes - Bracken
5.30pm Depart

Day 2
9.30am Arrival
10.00am Lob Shots, Bunkers & Putting
11.00am Fairway Woods & Driving
12.00pm Lunch
1.00pm 18 Holes - Hotchkin
5.30pm Depart


Monday 16th & Tuesday 17th September 2024

To book or to receive further information, please contact:

Lee | email: | mobile: 07398270797

Women's 2 Day School

The Ladies 2 Day School is specifically aimed at lady golfers with a handicap index of 36 and below who are looking to improve their game amongst the company of fellow lady golfers. Our female PGA Coach, Alison Johns, will guide you through the varying skills within the game before accompanying you for 4 holes on the Bracken Course before you undertake the challenge of the world-renowned Hotchkin Course on day 2.

£295.00 PER PERSON

Typical Itinerary - Day 1
9.30am Arrival
10.00am Chipping & Pitching
11.00am Irons & Hybrids 
12.00pm Lunch
1.00pm 18 Holes - Bracken Course
5.30pm Depart

Day 2
9.30am Arrival
10.00am Bunkers, Lob Shots & Putting
11.00am Fairway Woods & Driving
12.00pm Lunch 
1.00pm 18 Holes - Hotchkin Course
5.30pm Depart


Sunday 15th & Monday 16th September 2024

To book or to receive further information, please contact:

Alison | email: | mobile: 07887594313

Lee | email: | mobile: 07398270797

Women's Beginner School

A beginner golf school aimed towards ladies who are new to the game golf. Expert tuition offered by our resident PGA Coach, Alison Johns, will provide the golfer with an understanding of the skills required to putt, chip and drive before being accompanied for 9 holes around our Bracken Course. 

£165.00 PER PERSON

9.30am Arrival
9.45am Chipping, Pitching & Bunkers
11.15am Irons, Hybrids & Tee shots
12.30pm Putting 
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm 9 Holes - Bracken
4.30pm Debrief & Depart


2025 Dates TBC

To book or to receive further information, please contact:

Alison | email: | mobile: 07887594313

Lee | email: | mobile: 07398270797

Scoring School

The scoring school, delivered on the world class short game area at The National Golf Centre, Woodhall Spa by our resident PGA Coaches, is designed for those golfers who believe their swing to be sound, but their scoring doesn’t reflect their ball striking. 

The PGA Coach will educate you with the finer points of chipping, pitching, bunker shots and putting throughout the day in a group environment of 6 golfers. 

£145.00 PER PERSON

9.00am Arrival
9.15am Chipping & Specility Shots
10.30am Wedge Control - 40, 60, 80 yard Pitch Shots
12.15pm Lunch
1.00pm Bunker & Lob Shots
2.00pm Putting & Green Reading
3.15pm Debrief & Depart



To book or to receive further information, please contact:

Alison | email: | mobile: 07887594313

Lee | email: | mobile: 07398270797

Scott | email:  s | mobile: 07718749029

Bespoke Golf School

Using the expertise of The National Golf Centre Academy coaches and the world class coaching facilities, bespoke golf schools are availbale upon prior arrangement to suit yours, and your parties, individual needs over single or multiple days. 

To enquire, please contact:

Lee | email: | mobile: 07398270797

Contact Coaching Team

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